LGBTQ+ Affirming Therapy in North Carolina & Virginia
You Are Exactly Who You Are Supposed To Be!
You’re going above and beyond to fit someone else’s image of who you should be. You are worthy of more than that.
Hey Friend, Tell Me Something...
Are You:
Struggling With Feelings of Self-Hatred and Shame About Your Sexuality or Gender Identity?
Hiding Your Sexuality So You Don’t Disappoint or Embarrass Your Family?
Attending Church Every Sunday In Hopes That You Can, “Pray It Away?”
Ducking Your Partner’s Requests to Meet Your Family.
Wishing That You Could Just Be “Normal”?
There Is Nothing Wrong With You, PERIOD!
Therapy Can Give You a Safe Space To:
Question Your Sexual Desires, Romantic Attractions, the lack thereof, and what all of that means for you.
Explore Your Feelings of Gender Dysphoria and Find Healthy, Authentic Ways to Connect with Your Body.
Define Your Sexuality and Gender Identity for You and You Only!
Consider Whether or Not “Coming Out” Is Necessary for You to Live Authentically
Explore Hormone Therapy and Gender Affirming Surgery
Learn How to Love and Accept Yourself as You Are.
Therapy At Renewed Resilience, PLLC is a Safe Haven for the LGBTQIA Community!
Renewed Resilience, PLLC is truly a practice that is “For Us By Us”, founded by Brianna Knox, a black, queer woman and trauma therapist. We strive to provide a safe haven for LGBTQ+ people of color to grow and evolve away from their trauma and toward their truest selves.
We aspire to help young LGBTQ+ people like you (or your loved one if you’re an Ally) to learn how to embrace, love, and validate themselves. We welcome you to grow with us and to learn how to create your own validating spaces and relationships long after you have leave our therapeutic space.